Monday, June 27, 2011

Engagement Photo Session #2

Lets just say our day started out a bit rough, got worse, then ended perfectly!!

UPDATED w/ Pictures
Water sewer construction was going on and of course at the precise moment we decided to shower (I was already in with conditioner in my hair- in the middle of shaving 1 leg) when a construction worker rang the door bell to inform us that the water would be going off and staying off for about an hour :( It was a mad dash from then on. We got ready SUPER fast, Justin had to shave with water from a pot. 

We left an hour and 15 minutes early so that we would have plenty of time to get to Shaw's Cove in Laguna Beach (we had no idea where we were going). Justin was in charge of directions, I named him my navigator (BIG mistake). We got lost, ended up on Jamboree in Newport Beach and then sat in traffic on the 405 S trying to get back to Laguna, I was extremely upset to say the least. On top of that we couldn't find Erin's (our photographer) number to ask for directions and inform her we would now be late. BTW, Justin and I HATE being late! We finally found the number, got directions and made it only 5 minutes after 6pm. 

The session went great (except for the fact that it was a cloudy day). I think Erin got some great pictures. After our dress change we took pictures on the rocks in the water and during the infamous kissing picture with the waves crashing Justin and I got soaked!!!! From then on it was more fun in water with no cares in the world. Hopefully the pictures turn out well since I'm pretty sure I looked like a wet dog (I will post them as soon as we get them). 

The pictures took about an hour and 15 minutes then we headed to Splashes at Surf and Sand Resort where we enjoyed a celebratory drink and appetizers. It ended up being a great day :)

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Hell Week...I mean Recital Week

Well Saturday started hell week (like football, dance has a hell week, its better known as Recital week). Picture Day was a very long, exhausting day (8am to 10pm) filled with tears of laughter, anger, and frustrations. It was the first year we crammed ALL classes on one day :( Yesterday, Monday, was the first day of run-through; half the babies and 13 and up! Surprisingly it ran smoothly with little to no problems. Today is the other half of the babies, 6-8 and 9-12 (yikes)! 
I always look forward to recital time, but then I remember- I don't get a lot of sleep, I yell a lot, and I have to deal with all the backstage drama!!! But I really wouldn't change a thing! 
To make things even more complicated, my three chapter thesis is due Saturday!!!!!!!!

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Engagement Photos

So, yesterday Justin and I had our first set of engagement photos at Disneyland (big shocker, I know) with Crystal Kklear Photography. With the lovely 91 freeway, we were 40 minutes late, leaving Crystal to wait patiently for our arrival :( But we eventually made it and were ready to capture the love! 
We started in CA Adventure and lucky for us it wasn't too crowded! We got some great pictures in Paradise Pier playing games, riding the carousal, etc. then we headed to Disneyland :D The first shots were taken on Main St. then we went to the spot of the proposal. Next came Toon Town! We got popcorn, rode the trolley, and visited Minnie Mouse's house! I am super excited to see all the amazing pictures and loved working with Crystal (a past fellow dancer and now a KDA dance mom). As soon as I get the pictures I will post them for you all to enjoy!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011


Well as of May 26th I am officially a graduate of National University! After two years of Multiple Subject Credential and Best Practice master classes, I have my Masters of Education and M.S. Credential. It was a long journey and at times I definitely thought I was going to die (especially student teaching, working, and planning a wedding all at the same time) but it was well worth it. Now the next step is to pass the RICA and apply/clear my credential (ugh)! On top of that, I have to find a job in this craptastic economy! 

Welcome - First Post!!

Welcome! My name is Caitlin and this is my first ever blog! Not that anyone cares to read about my day and exciting new time of life, but here it is! "Muffin Talk" comes from my nickname Caiti Muffin, my amazing fiance thought of the cute name!

I definitely got the bloggers bug after reading the amazing blog of my dear friend Elizabeth. So hopefully I am half the writer that she is!

Well, please stop by, read my posts, and feel free to comment and provide feedback! Thanks and happy reading!